Installing Avada
Go to Sign in (upper right-hand corner) Hover over your signin name and go to Downloads Download License certificate & purchase code (text) Hover over your signin name and go to Settings API keys (to the left) Create an API Key (Any label will do) You'll want to enter your signin [...]
WordPress New Site Checklist
Create Home Page Create Blog Page and put the following on it, "Do not edit this page. You'll be wasting your time if you do, and time is hard enough to come by as it is." Settings > General > Change Site Title and Tagline Settings > Reading > Select [...]
Creating a WordPress Website
Option 1: Use Hammock Registration & Hammock Hosting The quick and easy but somewhat more pricey route is to register your domain name at ($19/year) and then set up a hosting account at ($16/mo) If I see this come through, I'll go ahead and link the domain name [...]
WordPress Security
Here are some resources for WordPress security:
Custom Sidebars Using The Theme Avada
These are some clues how to create custom sidebars in the WordPress theme Avada. […]
How to put a slider on your homepage
How did I do my slider (slideshow) on my homepage? This is how: […]
Installing WordPress from your cPanel
You can install WordPress from your cPanel in about one minute. Two minutes if you’re really groggy. […]
WordPress Video Tutorials
A collection of WordPress YouTube Video Tutorials […]
Basic Skills required for WordPress
Be sure you’ve got the following basic computer skills for this class. WordPress is easy, about as easy as something can be that’s so powerful and flexible. But there are some computer skills you will need. Prerequisites Saving files to to your hard drive. Finding those [...]