- Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.
- Do not point a firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy.
- Finger off the trigger until your sights are on target.
- Know you target and what’s behind it.
Jeff Cooper’s The Modern Technique of the Pistol
- ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
- ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
- ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
For a First Time Shooter
- Parts
- Trigger
- Slide
- Slide Stop
- Grip
- Magazine Release
- Muzzle (not clip)
- Sights and sight picture
- DRILL: Pick Up & Put Down (Always pointing down range.)
- DRILL: Magazine Release (Always pointing down range.)
- DRILL: Lock Slide Open (Always pointing down range.)
- DRILL: Release Slide (Slingshot Method) (Always pointing down range.)
- DRILL: Pick up, Insert Empty Magazine, Release Slide, Dry Fire, Release Magazine, Lock Slide Open, Put Down Ejection Port Up. (Always pointing down range.)
- DRILL: Loading cartridges into magazine.
- CONFUSED? Put the gun on the table pointing down range and notify owner.
- FINISHED? Release Magazine, Lock Slide Open, Put Down with Ejection Port Up. (Always pointing down range.)
- MISFIRE? Put the gun on the table pointing down range and notify owner.
Ruger LC9
Nice. Better than the M&P but very long trigger pull. Single stack.
Walther PPS
Felt really good. Single stack.
Springfield XD9
Loved it. Nice trigger.
S&W M&P Shield 9
Felt really skinny. Shot at TPTS.
Beretta Nano
Really nice.
Smooth. 45.
Ruger LCP
Recoil not bad
Felt okay in hand
Old sights horrible, but new ones supposed to be much better
Smith & Wesson Hunter .44 Magnum
Strong shove recoil. Felt good.
Compared S&W Shield with XDS. Both single stack 9MM. Liked shield’s grip slightly more. Recoil felt a little better.